“It’s Working For Me”

Chloe’s voice was full of panic: “This is NOT a good time,” she firmly declared. “I have a one-bedroom apartment, a two-year old son. . . I’ll have to move—again. I feel sick all the time.  There’s just too much to balance as a single mother.  I’m not with the father anymore. I just need to get an abortion.”

Chloe’s eyes were wide, her expression full of fear. After giving Chloe some time to process the reality of her positive pregnancy test, our client advocate invited her into conversation. They talked about her options, about taking things one step at a time to avoid excess stress and anxiety. The advocate explained in detail the support programs we had to offer her – not only the baby items but also the financial help, assistance with housing, life coaching and parenting education. Before she left our center that day, Chloe was given materials on abortion risks and side effects, fetal development and information on our resources and programs.

We also offered to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound, and she agreed.  The ultrasound changed things for Chloe. After seeing her baby on the screen, she said that she was ‘feeling better’. We gave her a referral to a nearby clinic for prenatal care. She left feeling differently than when she came.

Eventually, Chloe embraced her pregnancy and her unborn baby. She even grew in excitement. She welcomed family support from her mother and sister.

Now, she is enrolled in our pregnancy education classes, and she’s moving through the program with excellent participation at a rapid pace. . . she wants to learn all she can to prepare for her baby. 

“I have decided to focus on whatever I can do that is positive, as a way to avoid ‘overfocusing’ on the things I have yet to accomplish,” Chloe stated. “It is working for me.”


Lucia's Story


Claire is a young mom with two daughters