"Sometimes Miracles Come in Pairs"


Lennox & Wesley rode together right to the finish line! 

The twins were born on May 10, 2022 to a courageous young woman who was served by our center this year. When she came to Women's Life Care Center for an ultrasound early in her pregnancy, the twins' mom was shocked to see her sons on the screen. When we asked if we could take her twins' picture for this Christmas card, she was thrilled to share them with you, our donors. 

"frI actually had an abortion scheduled when I walked into your ultrasound room. My friend told me that ftI should have the ultrasound. When I saw my twins. . . . I couldn’t do it after that. I am so glad now. I will have them with me this Christmas.” 

In spite of a series of tough challenges, this mother chose to go forward with her pregnancy. We wish that was always the case. No matter what, your generosity allows us to be 'ready in a heartbeat' to offer a broad set of excellent and evolving programs. Each client is able to choose the program or programs that are most critical to her situation. 

We see repeatedly that as we show up with diligence for our moms, we can often keep a heartbeat (or in this case heartbeats) going. We absolutely must continue to be in a position to offer just the right kind of support, at the right time. So much depends on it. We must listen carefully to our clients' needs and respond -- every single time -- with action and haste. 


Learn & Earn Program at WLCC

