"At that point, I knew I had to be responsible"

The ultrasound screen gave instant clarity to Zoua. She came to our center last spring, almost certain that she was pregnant but wanting an ultrasound before making a decision about what to do next. As she watched her child move and breathe, she needed no further evidence. 

"I'm going forward," she stated. The stressed look on her face had disappeared. In its place, exuberance. 

At that point, the other person in the room began to gently cry. Zoua's sister had accompanied her to her ultrasound appointment. A silent, loyal support person, she did not want to offer her opinion about what Zoua should choose, but secretly prayed for her sister to choose life. 

Both women left the center renewed that day. . . and a new life was welcomed, without reservation. 

Zoua travelled a swift route from uncertainty to commitment after walking through the doors of Women's Life Care Center. She has spent the last several months learning about becoming a mother, preparing with intention. Newly married to the father of her baby, she radiates contagious joy as she awaits the birth of her son, who is due just before Christmas. 


Caryna’s Story: The Right People, The Right Place, The Right Time
