She Chose Life in the Middle of Chaos

Annie was overwrought when she came through our door for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. She was speaking rapidly, her mind racing. As we learned her story, we understood . . . and we were grateful that she chose life in the middle of chaos. The father of her child was contesting paternity and she was scared about going through a pregnancy and delivery alone. Still, she was committed to bringing her child into the world. “I can’t kill my baby – no way,” she said. Annie was open to the help we could offer. She participated in all our programs -- education, life coaching, financial wellness, maternal wellness. 

Annie worked at her job as a counselor at a group home throughout her pregnancy and she began saving what she could to prepare for her baby. Last week, a calm and joyful Annie came to the center to tell us about her new son, and to ask us to double-check his car seat. “I want to make sure he’s safe in the car,” she stated.

We are grateful that Annie had her son’s safety in mind from the very beginning. 


Claire is a young mom with two daughters


“I just want an abortion”