“I just want an abortion”

“I just want an abortion,” the young woman said.  “We don’t do abortions here and we don’t refer for them, but we do offer a lot of support if you think you might be pregnant.”

Even though she was determined to abort her baby, Abigail made an appointment that day for a pregnancy test and ultrasound at our center. She had already taken a home pregnancy test that showed positive results.

As she completed the intake paperwork at our center, she listed the father of the baby as ‘acquaintance’.  In conversation with one of our advocates, she said that she lived with her parents and they most certainly would not be supportive of a pregnancy. In fact, they would be furious. But perhaps the most discouraging fact of all was that she wore a blank stare on her face throughout our conversation. 

She didn’t seem scared or confused, but numb.

When she was offered information about her options, she said ‘thank you, but I don’t need it’. Our client advocate told her that it was simply intended to inform her – she deserved that. She nodded in agreement and took the folder of information. Then she left.

We don’t know what she will do now. Where she will go next. Who she will encounter. We will try to follow up with her, but we must be careful not to pester or annoy her with excessive calls or texts. And we must pray, really pray hard and place Abigail in God’s loving care.

Will you pray with us? Visit this link to join our prayer team! 



She Chose Life in the Middle of Chaos


The Wisdom of the Aunts